With a $5,000 investment, your company will support the launch of a troop in an underserved community and provide the resources necessary to maintain troop sustainability. The expenses that come with starting a new troop can be a barrier to providing the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. With your support, individual troops are given first-year funds for uniforms, starter badges and pins, curriculum, membership dues paid to Girl Scouts of the USA, and background checks for volunteers. Other financial support opportunities include reduced/waived fees for Council-delivered programs and special first-time camp opportunities. Your sponsorship enables GSGLA to recruit and train volunteers, members, and troop leaders, creating an equitable and accessible program for Girl Scouts across Greater Los Angeles.
Friend Level Sponsorship Benefits:
- Listing in GSGLA’s annual report
- Listing recognition on GSGLA partners website page
- One co-branded post on GSGLA social media platforms
- Volunteer opportunities shared throughout the year