Per California Assembly Bill 506 (AB506), which took effect on January 1, 2022, GSGLA must add mandated reporter training and fingerprinting background checks (LiveScan) to our already robust protocols for our volunteers. Per AB506, those who need to add the training/LiveScan are volunteers with direct contact or supervision of children for more than 16 hours a month, or 32+ hours a year. Read the full text of the bill.
Volunteers with specific roles, and those wanting to participate in specific activities, must fulfill these requirements or they will be prohibited from the role and/or participation if not met. At this time, volunteers with these roles must complete this training:
- Troop leader (and co-leader)
- Troop chaperone
- Service unit manager
If friends and family members are included in the girl/adult ratio, are supervising Girl Scouts, and/or are included in the ratio for event staffing, handling money, or driving youth members, then background screening (Asurint or LiveScan) is required.
- If volunteer hours of direct contact or supervision of children comprise of less than 16 hours a month, or 32+ hours a year, only our standard background screening is required.
- If volunteer hours of direct contact or supervision of children comprise of more than 16 hours a month, or 32+ hours a year Mandated Reporter Training and LiveScan fingerprinting is required.
LiveScan Fingerprinting
Mandated Reporter Training
All volunteers must complete these requirements and submit their completion certificate within 90 days of beginning their new role.