Location:Downey, Ca.
Join special guests and mindfulness champions from Worthy Beyond
Purpose and discover ways to practice resilience and prioritize your
Scientists have found that certain activities, like
practicing mindfulness and meditation, can have a calming effect in
times of stress and can help you face challenges. Boost your
resilience by working on a variety of skills. Experiment to find which
activities make you feel happier or calmer. Feel empowered to develop
healthy ways to improve your self-confidence and well-being. Be ready
for anything!
Resilient. Ready. Strong. fun patch included with
This is not a drop-off event. Troop leaders must
register to attend with girl(s). Girl Scout ratios are required.
Adults are responsible for permission slips/health history and
supervising/assisting girl(s).
Staff reserve the right to make allowances for more, or to
limit the number of adults due to space limitations. We will notify
you of any changes in advance. Thank you for your understanding as we
try to maximize the number of Girl Scouts who can experience this
program, while also ensuring safe and adequate supervision.
Location: Downey,CA
Questions? Please contact Anna Leidelmeijer at aleidelmeijer@girlscoutsla.org
Cancellation and Refund Policy: